An analysis of the opening moves of the highest-ranked chess players

The Sicilian Defence is the best offense

April 20, 2022

Executive Summary

Original creation and submission for this notebook was last May 29, 2019.

This jupyter notebook was created for my Data Mining and Wrangling class for my Masters in Data Science program in the Asian Institute of Management. In particular, this was done during the 2nd semester for a class - Data Mining and Wrangling - as one of the core requirements. In this report, we shall do an analysis on opening chess moves through exploratory data analysis. In this exercise, we extracted the data from using the modules Beautifulsoup, requests, and re Python modules, then stored the data in an sqlite database. Results show that the Sicilian, Najdorf (ECO = B90) opening was used in nearly 2.6% of the total games won by the top players. However, looking at the individual players, there is no predominant opening move, with only 7 of the 30 players having the Sicilian, Najdorf move as their top winning opening move.


This analysis was done together with my Lab partner, George Esleta. I would like to thank Prof Christian Alis and the ACCeSS Laboratory for the access to the high-performance computing facility.

A. Introduction and the Problem Statement

Chess is a two player strategy game played on a checked 8 by 8 board. The 8 by 8 grid consists of 64 squares where each player is located at opposite ends of the checked board. At the beginning of the game, each player assigned a color of either Black or White. The color scheme indicates which player will move first, with the player with the white pieces moving first. Moves are alternating between players, with each player allowed to only move one chess piece each round.

Each player is given six unique types of pieces with varying numbers, with each unique piece moving differently across the board. Pieces may move to squares occupied by another chess piece. If the player moves into a square occupied by an opponent’s piece, then the opponent’s piece is captured and taken off the chessboard. The purpose of the game is to capture the opponent’s king, signaling a checkmate. Each game is then concluded with either of three scenarios: “1–0” means White won, “0–1” means Black won, and “½–½” indicates a draw (also known as a stalemate).

The first moves in any chess game, also known as a player’s opening move, are the most crucial as it sets the tone, foundation and area of control of the players. The rationale behind this rests on the assumption that the first few moves will influence a player’s probability of winning. The objectives of the opening moves allow each player needs to gain dominance of the grid by: (1) getting most of their pieces out of their default positions as this allows more possible moves), and (2) getting control of the centre of the board (as this allows better dominance).

With the assumption the player’s opening moves may play influential role to the player’s grid control and outcome, the paper will explore the top ranked players opening moves. The purpose of this paper is to determine if there is a specific opening move that each of the top-ranking players use.

B. Methodology

Pre-requisites: Load Requirement Package

Before anything else, let us first load all important modules for this exercise.

Loading required modules
# These are the standard imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import iplot, init_notebook_mode

# Using plotly + cufflinks in offline mode
import cufflinks

%matplotlib inline

# This is to allow a code fold in jupyter notebook
from IPython.display import HTML
  function code_toggle() {
    if (code_shown){
      $('#toggleButton').val('Show Code')
    } else {
      $('#toggleButton').val('Hide Code')
    code_shown = !code_shown

  $( document ).ready(function(){
<form action="javascript:code_toggle()"><input type="submit" id="toggleButton" value="Show Code"></form>''')

Additionally, we should create a sqlite3 database for where we will store the data what we will scrape. For that, we shall use the sqlite3 python module.

Import the SQLite3 moule then create an empty database called chessgames.
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('chessgames.db')

Next, since we will be doing some web scraping, which may want to set our proxy and headers. A proxy server can help a scraper avoid IP address blocking, access geographically restricted content, facilitate high-volume scraping, and avoid detection. Headers in web scraping are a part of the HTTP request that provides information about the client making the request. They are important because they can affect the response received from the server. Some websites may block or restrict access to content based on the header information. To avoid being detected as a bot or being blocked by the server, it is important to ensure that the headers used in web scraping are appropriate and mimic those of a real user.

Edit our Proxy and Heading
# Setting of proxy
os.environ['HTTP_PROXY'] = ''
os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = ''

# Setting of header
header = {'''accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,
            accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
            accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
            cache-Control: max-age=0
            connection: keep-alive
            upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
            user-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 
            (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36'''}

Step 1: Understand the Data and Conduct Web Scraping Tool

To analyze the top opening moves of the highest-rated chess players, web data extraction was performed on the pages of We focused on two entities, namely the chess players (players) and their games (games). Data for both entities were saved to an SQLlite database (chessgames.db).

The players table was obtained by scraping all web pages under the Chess Players Directory Each page in this directory corresponds to a letter of the alphabet (e.g., Each player has the following information:

Table 1: player table fields
Field Description Long Description Data Type
pid Player ID indentification number integer
lname Last Name player’s last name varchar
fname First Name player’s first name varchar
rating Rating highest rating achieved in the database integer
start_year Start Year player’s starting year integer
end_year End Year player’s ending year integer
game_count Number of games number of games in database integer

The get_player_info method was used to scrape the player information (seen below).

Function description for get_player_info()
def get_player_info(url):
    Scrapes player info from the specified URL.

    URL : URL of player page

    list of tuples (pid, lname, fname, rating, start_year, end_year, 
    players_list = []
    resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    print("\tStatus code: ", resp.status_code)
    resp_soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'lxml')
    players ='tr[bgcolor="#FFFFFF"],tr[bgcolor="#FFEEDD"]')
    for player in players:
        data ='td')
        rating = data[0].text.strip()
        name = data[2].text.split(',')
        if len(name) == 2:
            fname = name[1].strip()
            fname = None
        lname = name[0].strip()
        years = data[3].text.strip()
        game_count = data[4].text.strip()
        start_year = re.match('(\d{4})?-?(\d{4})', years).group(1)
        end_year = re.match('(\d{4})?-?(\d{4})', years).group(2)

        url = str('a')[-1])
        pid = re.match('.*?pid=(\d+)', url).group(1)

        tup = (pid, lname, fname, rating, start_year, end_year, game_count)
        print('\t', tup)
    return players_list

For the get_player_info function, the Requests module is a Python library used for making HTTP requests. We can use basic methods such as the GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and others. The module also provides support for handling cookies, adding custom headers, and handling redirects. We also used the BeautifulSoup Python library, which is a typical package in parsing HTML and XML documents. The package parses the pased HTML source code into a parsed tree, which can be easily traversed. Finally, we used the re Python package to utilize Regular Expression for easier string matching.

Next, the players data are then inserted to the players table using the insert_players method:

Function description for insert_players()
def insert_players(conn):
    Inserts players into the players table

    conn : sqlite connection
    cur = conn.cursor()
    for char in string.ascii_uppercase:
        url = "" + char + ".html"
        players = get_player_info(url)
        cur.executemany('''INSERT INTO players 
                            VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);''', players)

Here, we access the enter the created database, then Insert the players and associated metadata into the database.

Next, this study will focus on the games of the thirty (30) highest-rated players. The ranking was based on the rating provided by the website. To extract the games of these players, we first obtained their player IDs (pid) by using the pandas method read_sql. Here we can pass a SQL statement:

Method to query the database
df_players = pd.read_sql("""SELECT pid, fname || ' ' || lname, rating, 
                            FROM players
                            WHERE rating != ''
                            ORDER BY rating DESC""", conn)
df_players.columns = ['Player ID', 'Name', 'Rating', 'Number of Games']
Table 2: Top 30 chess players based on Rating
Player ID Name Rating Number of Games
52948 Magnus CARLSEN 2882 3,016
15940 Garry KASPAROV 2851 2,385
76172 Fabiano CARUANA 2844 1,891
17316 Levon ARONIAN 2830 2,708
95915 Wesley SO 2822 1,400
56798 Maxime VACHIER-LAGRAVE 2819 2,369
12088 Viswanathan ANAND 2817 3,542
12295 Vladimir KRAMNIK 2817 3,026
12089 Veselin TOPALOV 2816 2,278
50065 Shakhriyar MAMEDYAROV 2814 2,254
10084 Hikaru NAKAMURA 2814 2,424
17279 Alexander GRISCHUK 2797 2,586
52629 Ding LIREN 2797 920
107252 Anish GIRI 2793 1,522
49796 Teimour RADJABOV 2793 1,746
54535 Sergey KARJAKIN 2788 2,399
11719 Alexander MOROZEVICH 2788 1,847
12183 Vassily IVANCHUK 2787 3,752
19233 Robert James FISCHER 2785 1,052
20719 Anatoly KARPOV 2780 3,609
13847 Boris GELFAND 2777 3,014
79968 Peter SVIDLER 2769 2,786
49080 Leinier Dominguez PEREZ 2768 1,342
12109 Ruslan PONOMARIOV 2768 1,989
54683 Ian NEPOMNIACHTCHI 2767 1,614
49246 Pentala HARIKRISHNA 2766 1,442
49456 Pavel ELJANOV 2765 1,409
15874 Gata KAMSKY 2763 1,889
12290 Peter LEKO 2763 2,364
112240 Yu YANGYI 2762 991

The games table was then populated by web scraping<pid> and iterating over the top 30 player IDs. The following fields were extracted for each game:

Table 3: games table fields
Field Description Data Type
gid Game ID integer
white_pid White Player ID int
black_pid Black Player ID int
result Result varchar
moves Number of moves integer
year Year integer
tournament Tournament Name varchar
eco Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings varchar
opening_move Opening move varchar

The get_players_games function was implemented to scrape the game data for a given Player ID pid and page number page_start. This writes the games data of the player to a CSV file (<pid>.csv):

Function description for the get_players_games()
def get_player_games(pid, page_start):
    Web scrapes the games list for a player and writes it to a CSV 

    pid : player ID
    page_start : starting page

    url = '' + str(pid)
    resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    print('pid = ', pid, '\turl = ', url, '\tcode = ', resp.status_code)
    time.sleep(np.random.randint(1, 2))
    soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'lxml')
    div_page_count =
    page_count = int(re.findall('of (\d+)\;', div_page_count[0].text)[0])

    with open(f'{pid}.csv', 'a') as file:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
        for page in range(page_start, page_count+1):
            page_url = '' + \
                str(page) + '&pid=' + str(pid)
            page_resp = requests.get(page_url, headers=headers)
            print('\tpage = ', page, '\turl = ', page_url,
                  '\tcode = ', page_resp.status_code)
            time.sleep(np.random.randint(1, 2))
            page_soup = BeautifulSoup(page_resp.text, 'lxml')
            games =

            for game in games:
                data ='td')
                game_url = data[0].find("a")['href']
                game_id = re.findall('(\d+)', game_url)[0]
                result = data[2].text.strip()
                moves = data[3].text.strip()
                year = data[4].text.strip()
                tournament = data[5].text.strip()
                eco = data[6].select('a')[0].text.strip()
                opening_move = re.findall(
                    '^[A-E0-9][0-9]{2} (.*)', data[6].text.strip())[0]

                game_resp = requests.get(
                    '' + game_url, headers=headers)
                time.sleep(np.random.randint(1, 2))
                game_soup = BeautifulSoup(game_resp.text, 'lxml')
                players ='center')[0].select('a')
                    white_id = re.findall('(\d+)', players[0]['href'])[0]
                    white_id = None
                    black_id = re.findall('(\d+)', players[1]['href'])[0]
                    black_id = None
                tup = (game_id, white_id, black_id, result,
                       moves, year, tournament, eco, opening_move)

                    print('\t\tgameID: ', game_id, '\tWrite to CSV failed')

All player csv files were then inserted to the games table of the chessgames.db database using the read_csvs function:

Function description for read_csvs()
def read_csvs(conn):
    Read all player csvs and save them to the games table
    gid_failed = []
    cur = conn.cursor()
    for file_name in glob.glob('./games/*.csv'):
        with open(file_name) as file:
            reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter = ',')
            for line in reader:
                    cur.execute('''INSERT INTO games VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);''', line)
                    print('\t\tgameID: ', line[0], '\tInsert success!')
                except Exception as e:
                    print('\t\tgameID: ', line[0], '\tInsert Failed!\t', e)
    return gid_failed

Now, let us examine the games dataframe by calling it with the read_sql Pandas module.

Accessing the database.
df_games = pd.read_sql("""SELECT * FROM games""", conn)
df_games.columns = (['Game ID', 'White Player ID', 'Black Player ID',
                     'Result', 'Number of Moves', 'Year', 'Tournament', 'ECO',
                     'Opening Move'])

Below you can see that Table 4 and Table 5 shows the summary statistics for the players and games table. 8,574 players and 50,087 games were inserted into the chessgames database.

Table 4: players table summary statistics
Statistic Rating
count 8574.000000
mean 2361.279566
std 184.344627
min 1379.000000
25% 2268.000000
50% 2389.000000
75% 2479.000000
max 2882.000000
Table 5: games table summary statistics
Statistic Number of Moves Year
count 50087.000000 50087.000000
mean 42.893485 2005.074950
std 17.288031 11.643902
min 0.000000 1953.000000
25% 31.000000 2000.000000
50% 41.000000 2008.000000
75% 52.000000 2014.000000
max 255.000000 2019.000000


Figure 1 below shows the top 10 opening moves used by the thirty highest-ranked chess players. 356 games, or nearly 2.6% of the games won by the top players, were opened using the Sicilian, Najdorf (ECO = B90) move.

However, looking at the top opening moves per player as seen in Figure 3, the Sicilian, Najdorf (ECO = B90) move does not appear as the top move for most of the players. For instance, Magnus Carlsen, the highest-ranked player, has the Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense as his top opening move. As shown in Table 7, Only 7 of the top 30 players have the Sicilian, Najdorf move as their top winning opening move. Also, if we look at the top 5 highest-rated players, 3 of 5 of them have the Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense move as the top winning move.

Function to see top 10 opening moves and % won.
df_top_moves = pd.read_sql("""SELECT g.white_pid, p.fname || ' ' || 
                            p.lname, p.rating,, g.opening_move, count(*) 
                            FROM games g
                          INNER JOIN players p on g.white_pid =
                          WHERE g.white_pid IN (SELECT pid FROM players 
                                              WHERE rating != ''
                                              ORDER BY rating DESC limit 30)
                          AND g.result = '1-0'
                          GROUP BY g.white_pid,, g.opening_move
                          ORDER BY p.rating DESC, count(*) DESC""", conn)
df_top_moves.columns = ['PID', 'Name', 'Rating',
                        'ECO', 'Top Opening Move', 'Number of Games Won']
df_top_moves = df_top_moves.groupby(['ECO', 'Top Opening Move'])[
    'Number of Games Won'].sum().to_frame()
df_top_moves = df_top_moves.sort_values('Number of Games Won', ascending=False)
df_top_moves['% of Games Won'] = (
    df_top_moves['Number of Games Won'] / df_top_moves['Number of Games Won'].sum() * 100)
Table 6: Top Opening Moves of the 30 highest-rated players
ECO Top Opening Move Number of Games Won % of Games Won
B90 Sicilian, Najdorf 356 2.566321
A07 King’s Indian Attack 250 1.802191
B12 Caro-Kann Defense 227 1.63639
C78 Ruy Lopez 206 1.485006
C42 Petrov Defense 205 1.477797
C11 French 204 1.470588
E15 Queen’s Indian 203 1.463379
A04 Reti Opening 192 1.384083
D37 Queen’s Gambit Declined 186 1.34083
C65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense 176 1.268743
Code to generate the Top Opening Moves.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=150)
df_top_moves[10::-1].plot.barh('Top Opening Move',
                               '% of Games Won', ax=ax, color='#BF5209',
ax.set_xlabel('% of Games Won')

FIGURE 1:Top Opening Moves of the 30 highest-rated chess players

Now, let us view the top opening moves per top player (top 10 players)

Code to generate the Top Opening Moves for top players
df_top_moves = pd.read_sql("""SELECT g.white_pid, p.fname || ' ' || 
                            p.lname, p.rating,, g.opening_move, count(*) 
                            FROM games g
                          INNER JOIN players p on g.white_pid =
                          WHERE g.white_pid IN (SELECT pid FROM players 
                                              WHERE rating != ''
                                              ORDER BY rating DESC limit 30)
                          AND g.result = '1-0'
                          GROUP BY g.white_pid,
                          ORDER BY p.rating DESC, count(*) DESC""", conn)
df_top_moves.columns = ['PID', 'Name', 'Rating', 'ECO', 'Top Opening Move', 'Number of Games Won']
df_top_moves = (df_top_moves
                .groupby(['Rating', 'PID', 'Name', 'ECO', 'Top Opening Move'])
                ['Number of Games Won'].sum().to_frame())
df_top_moves = (df_top_moves.reset_index()
                .sort_values(['Rating', 'Number of Games Won'],
                             ascending=[False, False])
                .set_index(['PID', 'Rating', 'Name', 'ECO', 'Top Opening Move']))
df_top_moves = df_top_moves.groupby(level=0).head(10)

names = df_top_moves['Name'].unique()

for name in names:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    df = df_top_moves[df_top_moves['Name'] == name]
    df[10::-1].plot.barh('Top Opening Move', 'Number of Games Won',
                         ax=ax, color='#BF5209', legend=False)
    ax.set_xlabel('Number of Games Won')

Magnus Carlsen Garry Kasparov

Fabiano Caruana Levon Aronian

Wesley So Maxmime Vachier-Lagrave

Viswanathan Anand Vladimir Kramnik

Veselin Topalov Hikaru Nakamura

Figure 1: Top Winning Moves Per Top Player

Conclusions and Recommendations

The results indicate that the Sicilian, Najdorf is the most used opening move by the thirty top-ranked players, with 356 games or nearly 2.6% of the games were won using this move. However, looking at the individual opening moves of each top-ranked players, there is no predominant opening move, with only 7 of the 30 players have the Sicilian, Najdorf move as their top winning opening move. Additionally, looking at the top five players, the Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense was the most frequent opening move.

The methodology of the study does not take into account the total number of games each player competed in. Certain top ranked players have higher number of competition appearances. This may affect the number of instances the Sicilian, Najdorf may appear due to playing style bias. Further research may be conducted to explore normalizing the data by the number of games each top-player appeared in and won. Also, we can explore why the top-ranked players have a preference towards the Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense.
